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This table holds vital static information for each character. This information loaded and used to create the player objects in-game.
Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
guid | int | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | Global Unique Identifier | |
account | int | unsigned | MUL | NO | 0 | Account Identifier | |
name | varchar(12) | MUL | NO | NULL | |||
race | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
class | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
gender | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
level | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
xp | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
money | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
skin | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
face | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
hairStyle | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
hairColor | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
facialStyle | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
bankSlots | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
restState | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
playerFlags | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
position_x | float | NO | 0 | ||||
position_y | float | NO | 0 | ||||
position_z | float | NO | 0 | ||||
map | smallint | unsigned | NO | 0 | Map Identifier | ||
instance_id | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
instance_mode_mask | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
orientation | float | NO | 0 | ||||
taximask | text | NO | |||||
online | tinyint | unsigned | MUL | NO | 0 | ||
cinematic | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
totaltime | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
leveltime | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
logout_time | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
is_logout_resting | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
rest_bonus | float | NO | 0 | ||||
resettalents_cost | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
resettalents_time | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
trans_x | float | NO | 0 | ||||
trans_y | float | NO | 0 | ||||
trans_z | float | NO | 0 | ||||
trans_o | float | NO | 0 | ||||
transguid | mediumint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
extra_flags | smallint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
stable_slots | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
at_login | smallint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
zone | smallint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
death_expire_time | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
taxi_path | text | YES | NULL | ||||
arenaPoints | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
totalHonorPoints | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
todayHonorPoints | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
yesterdayHonorPoints | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
totalKills | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
todayKills | smallint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
yesterdayKills | smallint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
chosenTitle | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
knownCurrencies | bigint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
watchedFaction | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
drunk | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
health | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
power1 | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
power2 | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
power3 | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
power4 | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
power5 | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
power6 | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
power7 | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
latency | mediumint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
talentGroupsCount | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 1 | |||
activeTalentGroup | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
exploredZones | longtext | YES | NULL | ||||
equipmentCache | longtext | YES | NULL | ||||
ammoId | int | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
knownTitles | longtext | YES | NULL | ||||
actionBars | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
grantableLevels | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
deleteInfos_Account | int | unsigned | YES | NULL | |||
deleteInfos_Name | varchar(12) | YES | NULL | ||||
deleteDate | int | unsigned | YES | NULL |
The character global unique identifier. This number must be unique and is the best way to identify separate characters.
The account ID in which this character resides.
The name of the character.
The Race ID of the character.
The Class ID of the character.
The gender of the character.
The level of the character.
The amount of experience this character has earned towards the next level.
The amount of money in copper this character has.
The skin color id of the character.
The facial features id of the character.
The hair style id of the character.
The hair color id of the character.
The facial hair id of the character.
Bag slots in bank bought by the character.
Value | Name | Comment |
1 | REST_STATE_RESTED | rested |
2 | REST_STATE_NOT_RAF_LINKED | not rested |
6 | REST_STATE_RAF_LINKED | linked by 'recruit a friend' |
A bitmask that represents what Player flags the player has. Each bit controls a different flag and to combine flags, you can add each flag that you want, in effect activating the respective bits.
enum PlayerFlags
Value | Flag | Name | Comment |
1 | 0x00000001 | PLAYER_FLAGS_GROUP_LEADER | |
2 | 0x00000002 | PLAYER_FLAGS_AFK | |
4 | 0x00000004 | PLAYER_FLAGS_DND | |
8 | 0x00000008 | PLAYER_FLAGS_GM | |
16 | 0x00000010 | PLAYER_FLAGS_GHOST | |
32 | 0x00000020 | PLAYER_FLAGS_RESTING | |
128 | 0x00000080 | PLAYER_FLAGS_UNK7 | pre-3.0.3 PLAYER_FLAGS_FFA_PVP flag for FFA PVP state |
256 | 0x00000100 | PLAYER_FLAGS_CONTESTED_PVP | Player has been involved in a PvP combat and will be attacked by contested guards |
512 | 0x00000200 | PLAYER_FLAGS_IN_PVP | |
1024 | 0x00000400 | PLAYER_FLAGS_HIDE_HELM | |
2048 | 0x00000800 | PLAYER_FLAGS_HIDE_CLOAK | |
4096 | 0x00001000 | PLAYER_FLAGS_PLAYED_LONG_TIME | played long time |
8192 | 0x00002000 | PLAYER_FLAGS_PLAYED_TOO_LONG | played too long time |
16384 | 0x00004000 | PLAYER_FLAGS_IS_OUT_OF_BOUNDS | |
32768 | 0x00008000 | PLAYER_FLAGS_DEVELOPER | <Dev> prefix for something? |
65536 | 0x00010000 | PLAYER_FLAGS_UNK16 | pre-3.0.3 PLAYER_FLAGS_SANCTUARY flag for player entered sanctuary |
131072 | 0x00020000 | PLAYER_FLAGS_TAXI_BENCHMARK | taxi benchmark mode (on/off) (2.0.1) |
262144 | 0x00040000 | PLAYER_FLAGS_PVP_TIMER | 3.0.2, pvp timer active (after you disable pvp manually) |
524288 | 0x00080000 | PLAYER_FLAGS_UBER | |
4194304 | 0x00400000 | PLAYER_FLAGS_COMMENTATOR2 | |
8388608 | 0x00800000 | PLAYER_ALLOW_ONLY_ABILITY | used by bladestorm and killing spree, allowed only spells with SPELL_ATTR0_REQ_AMMO, SPELL_EFFECT_ATTACK, checked only for active player |
16777216 | 0x01000000 | PLAYER_FLAGS_UNK24 | disabled all melee ability on tab include autoattack |
33554432 | 0x02000000 | PLAYER_FLAGS_NO_XP_GAIN |
The x position of the character's location.
The y position of the character's location.
The z position of the character's location.
The Map ID the character is on.
The instance id the character is currently in and bound to.
The current difficulty modes that the player has chosen. This field is a bitmask. However, the difficulty should be enocoded directly in each half-byte.
High nibble encodes raid difficulty, Low nibble encodes dungeon difficulty:
Low Value | Name |
High Value | |
The orientation the character is facing. (North = 0.0, South = 3.14159)
Known TaxiNode IDs stored in space separated bit masks.
uint8 fieldIdx = uint8((nodeId - 1) / 32);
uint32 maskBit = 1 << ((nodeId - 1) % 32);
Records the character login status
Records whether the start cinematic has been shown.
The total time that the character has been active in the world, measured in seconds.
The total time the character has spent in the world at the current level, measured in seconds.
Unix timestamp when the character last logged out.
Stores if the character is currently in a resting zone or not.
The cumulated bonus of rested rate for gaining experience.
The cost for the character to reset its talents, measured in copper.
Unix timestamp when the character last reset their talents.
If this characters was saved on a MO-transport, then this is the x position on the MO-transport.
If this characters was saved on a MO-transport, then this is the y position on the MO-transport.
If this characters was saved on a MO-transport, then this is the z position on the MO-transport.
If this characters was saved on a MO-transport, then this is the orientation on the MO-transport.
If this characters was saved on a MO-transport, then this is the transport's guid.
These flags control certain player specific attributes, mostly GM features.
Value | Flag | Name | Comment |
1 | 0x0001 | PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_ON | Defines GM state |
4 | 0x0004 | PLAYER_EXTRA_ACCEPT_WHISPERS | Defines if whispers are accepted |
8 | 0x0008 | PLAYER_EXTRA_TAXICHEAT | Sets taxicheat |
16 | 0x0010 | PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_INVISIBLE | Defines GM visibility |
32 | 0x0020 | PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_CHAT | Show GM badge in chat messages |
64 | 0x0040 | PLAYER_EXTRA_HAS_310_FLYER | Marks if player already has 310% speed flying mount |
256 | 0x0100 | PLAYER_EXTRA_PVP_DEATH | store PvP death status until corpse creating. |
512 | 0x0200 | PLAYER_EXTRA_HAS_RACE_CHANGED | characters races was changed at some point |
1024 | 0x0400 | PLAYER_EXTRA_GRANTED_LEVELS_FROM_RAF | was grantend levels from 'recruit a friend' at some point |
2048 | 0x0800 | reserved for master branch |
The Stable Slots available (bought) at the Stable Master.
This field is a bitmask controlling different actions taken once a player logs in with the character.
Value | Flag | Name | Comment |
1 | 0x0001 | AT_LOGIN_RENAME | Force character to change name |
2 | 0x0002 | AT_LOGIN_RESET_SPELLS | Reset spells (professions as well) |
4 | 0x0004 | AT_LOGIN_RESET_TALENTS | Reset talents |
8 | 0x0008 | AT_LOGIN_CUSTOMIZE | Customize Character |
16 | 0x0010 | AT_LOGIN_RESET_PET_TALENTS | Reset pet talents |
32 | 0x0020 | AT_LOGIN_FIRST | Set at character creation and removed after first login |
64 | 0x0040 | AT_LOGIN_CHANGE_FACTION | Faction change |
128 | 0x0080 | AT_LOGIN_CHANGE_RACE | Race change |
256 | 0x0100 | AT_LOGIN_RESURRECT | Resurrect at corpse |
The AreaTable ID the character is in.
Unix timestamp when a character can be resurrected in case of a server crash or client exit while in ghost form.
Stores the players current TaxiPath ID if logged off while on one.
The amount of arena points this character has stored up, and will receive next time arena points are distributed.
The amount of honor points this character has got.
The amount of honor points this character has gotten today.
The amount of honor points this character got yesterday.
The lifetime amount of players this character has killed.
The amount of players this character has killed today.
The amount of players this character killed yesterday.
Currently selected title.
Value of the CharTitle MaskID
Known currencies listed in the characters currency tab.
Value is bitmask of the CurrencyType BitIndex field.
// adding to field
knownCurrencies |= (1 << (BitIndex - 1));
// checking for currency
isKnown = (knownCurrencies & (1 << (BitIndex - 1))) > 0;
// removing from field
knownCurrencies &= ~(1 << (BitIndex - 1));
Tracked faction at experience bar.
Value is the Faction ReputationIndex field.
Character's drunk state, 0 – 100.
The characters current health.
Current character powers (snapshot from when the character was saved)
Index | Name |
1 | Mana |
2 | Rage |
3 | Focus |
4 | Energy |
5 | Happiness |
6 | Runes |
7 | Runic Power |
This characters latency, or ping, in milliseconds, as of the last update.
The number of specs this character has access to. Default value is 1. Maximum currently supported value is 2. Should never be 0 (this is a sign of a character created before the dual spec system.)
The currently activated talent specialization for this character.
Explored areas stored in space separated bit masks of the AreaTable AreaBit field.
uint8 fieldIdx = uint8(AreaBit / 32);
uint32 maskBit = 1 << (AreaBit % 32);
Equipment shown on character login screen.
Space separated list of "ItemEntry EnchantmentId" pairs. 0 for no item equipped or item not enchanted. SpellItemEnchantment ID.
Pairs are ordered from EQUIPMENT_SLOT_HEAD (0) to INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_END-1 (22)
e.g.: headItem headEnchantment neckItem neckEnchant … bag4Item bag4Enchantment
item entry of the equipped ammo item.
Granted titles stored in space separated bit masks of the CharTitle MaskID field.
uint8 fieldIdx = uint8(MaskID / 32);
uint32 maskBit = 1 << (MaskID % 32);
A bitmask that contains visible actionbars for the player.
Value | Flag | Name |
1 | 0x1 | Bottom Left Bar |
2 | 0x2 | Bottom Right Bar |
4 | 0x4 | Rigth Bar |
8 | 0x8 | Right Bar 2 |
Number of levels that can be granted to the characters 'recruit a friend' partner.
Stores the account id if the character is deleted and worldserver.conf CharDelete.Method = 1
Stores the name of character if the character is deleted and and worldserver.conf CharDelete.Method = 1
Stores the date when the character was deleted and worldserver.conf CharDelete.Method = 1
Will be checked by worldserver against CharDelete.KeepDays
in worldserver.conf. If this value is lower than deleteDate + CharDelete.KeepDays
the character will be purged.
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