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This table is used for any custom items that you might want to give to characters on creation. I used to be used to hold the normal items that characters get as well, but now that info is read from CharStartOutfit
Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
race | tinyint | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | ||
class | tinyint | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | ||
itemid | int | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | ||
amount | tinyint | signed | NO | 1 |
The character's ChrRace ID
ID | Name |
1 | Human |
2 | Orc |
3 | Dwarf |
4 | Night Elf |
5 | Undead |
6 | Tauren |
7 | Gnome |
8 | Troll |
10 | Blood Elf |
11 | Draenei |
The character's ChrClass ID
ID | Name |
1 | Warrior |
2 | Paladin |
3 | Hunter |
4 | Rogue |
5 | Priest |
6 | Death Knight |
7 | Shaman |
8 | Mage |
9 | Warlock |
11 | Druid |
references item_template.entry
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