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This table holds the percentages for weather changes in various zones. Not all zones can have their weather changed. For any given zone the percentage of all weather types for each season should total, and not exceed 100%.
Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
zone | int | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | ||
spring_rain_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
spring_snow_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
spring_storm_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
summer_rain_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
summer_snow_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
summer_storm_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
fall_rain_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
fall_snow_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
fall_storm_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
winter_rain_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
winter_snow_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
winter_storm_chance | tinyint | unsigned | NO | 25 | |||
ScriptName | char(64) | NO | '' |
This field contains the AreaTable ID of the zone that you wish to change the weather for.
Percentage chance for rain in the spring.
Percentage chance for snow in the spring.
Percentage chance for sand storm in the spring.
Percentage chance for rain in the summer.
Percentage chance for snow in the summer.
Percentage chance for sand storm in the summer.
Percentage chance for rain in the fall.
Percentage chance for snow in the fall.
Percentage chance for sand storm in the fall.
Percentage chance for rain in the winter.
Percentage chance for snow in the winter.
Percentage chance for sand storm in the winter.
The name of the script that modifies weather in this zone, if any. This ties a script from a scripting engine to this weather definition.