Public Servers
The TrinityCore Team and Owners DO NOT in any case sponsor nor support illegal public servers. If you use these projects to run an illegal public server and not for testing and learning it is your own personal choice.
This part is just a general summary of the overall extraction process - please read more detailed steps for the OS you are working with:
macOS Server Setup
TrinityCore needs to extract certain files from the World of Warcraft client. You will need to match the client version with the server branch you want to use:
TrinityCore does not provide any Client Version for download. It is up to the user to get them themselves for master e.g. via Battle.Net.
However - Arctium is providing pre-generated data:
By default you will compile the core with tools and you will get the following executable files (.exe on windows platform):
RECOMMENDATION: compile tools in release mode to save time, debug mode extraction is much longer and it's only needed if you have a crash to report.
Copy these files after compiling to your World of Warcraft root folder:
TIP: Browse into your [Source Location]\TrinityCore\contrib folder and copy "extractor.bat"(for Windows)\""(for Linux) into your root World of Warcraft folder (with the previous files). Run it instead of the executables and choose “4.Extract all” option.
Some of them are optional, but highly recommended:
Directory | Branch | Requirement |
dbc | 3.3.5 & master | Mandatory |
maps | 3.3.5 & master | Mandatory |
vmaps | 3.3.5 & master | Mandatory |
mmaps | 3.3.5 & master | HIGHLY Recommended |
cameras | 3.3.5 & master | Recommended |
gt | master | Mandatory |
After extracting all necessary files simply copy all the newly created directories to the directory with worldserver binary. Alternatively you can specify directory where you want to keep them changing DataDir value in worldserver.conf file.
If you use extractors from other projects, branches or a very outdated TrinityCore Version, it is almost certain that your Server will not recognize the extracted data or even work!
When this is complete you may receive the following message which can be safely ignored.
Processing Map 724
Extracting GameObject models...Extracting World\Wmo\Band\Final_Stage.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extract V4.00 2012_02. Work complete. No errors.
On master branch you will see a lot of
Can't open WDT for map <a number> - <a name> (FileNameID <number>): FILE NOT FOUND
you can ignore this safely.
Rename your config files by removing the .dist to get the following:
worldserver.conf / authserver.conf for 3.3.5
worldserver.conf / bnetserver.conf for master
You should check and potentially change the SQL login information.
Open the files and scroll down \ locate the following:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth" worldserver.conf & authserver.conf / bnetserver.conf (for master)
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;world" worldserver.conf
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;characters" worldserver.conf
It follows this structure:
Variablename = "MySQLIP;Port;Username;Password;database"
The following settings must be verified:
RECOMMENDATION: Read over the config files to get a feeling for what can be set or changed in your server. Most settings are explained with details and examples.
Pro Tip
For most worldserver.conf setting changes, you can simply type .reload config in-game to see changes instantly without restarting the server.
If you still have any problem, check: