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denotes unused fields
Col: 0 (uint32)
- no description -
Col: 1 (int32)
ID | Name |
Col: 2 (int32)
Only set if achievement is related to a zone.
Col: 3 (uint32)
Its Achievement parent (can't start while parent incomplete, use its Criteria if don't have own, use its progress on begin)
Col: 4 – 20 (Loc)
- no description -
Col: 21 – 37 (Loc)
- no description -
Col: 38 (uint32)
- no description -
Col: 39 (uint32)
Reward points
Col: 40 (uint32)
- no description -
Col: 41 (uint32)
Value | Flag | Name | Comment |
1 | 0x0001 | ACHIEVEMENT_FLAG_COUNTER | Just count statistic (never stop and complete) |
2 | 0x0002 | ACHIEVEMENT_FLAG_HIDDEN | Not sent to client - internal use only |
4 | 0x0004 | ACHIEVEMENT_FLAG_STORE_MAX_VALUE | Store only max value? used only in "Reach level xx" |
8 | 0x0008 | ACHIEVEMENT_FLAG_SUMM | Use summ criteria value from all requirements (and calculate max value) |
16 | 0x0010 | ACHIEVEMENT_FLAG_MAX_USED | Show max criteria (and calculate max value ??) |
32 | 0x0020 | ACHIEVEMENT_FLAG_REQ_COUNT | Use not zero req count (and calculate max value) |
64 | 0x0040 | ACHIEVEMENT_FLAG_AVERAGE | Show as average value (value / time_in_days) depend from other flag (by def use last criteria value) |
128 | 0x0080 | ACHIEVEMENT_FLAG_BAR | Show as progress bar (value / max vale) depend from other flag (by def use last criteria value) |
Col: 42 (uint32)
- no description -
Col: 43 – 59 (Loc)
- no description -
Col: 60 (uint32)
Need this count of completed criterias. (own or referenced achievement criterias)
Col: 61 (uint32)
Referenced achievement (counting of all completed criterias)
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