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denotes unused fields
Col: 0 (uint32)
- no description -
Col: 1 (int32)
Seems to be caster animation of some sort...
Col: 2 (int32)
Caster animation.
Col: 3 (int32)
Visual effect over the head.
Col: 4 (int32)
Visual effect at chest.
Col: 5 (int32)
Visual effect at the base/ground.
Col: 6 (int32)
Visual effect at left hand.
Col: 7 (int32)
Visual effect at right hand.
Col: 8 (int32)
Visual effect of AOE spells/abilities.
Col: 9 (int32)
- no description -
Col: 10 (int32)
- no description -
Col: 11 – 13 (int32)
- no description -
Col: 14 (int32)
- no description -
Col: 15 (int32)
Sound effect associated with the visual effects.
Col: 16 (uint32)
- no description -
Col: 17 – 20 (int32)
Known value 17
in col. 17 reference to item entry in col. 25, example spell - 58493
(Mohawk Grenade), point to item 43486
(Mohawk Mask)
Col: 21 – 24 (float)
Colormask converted from HEX to DECIMAL (can be used for caster or target color)
Col: 25 – 28 (float)
- no description -
Col: 29 – 32 (float)
- no description -
Col: 33 – 36 (float)
- no description -
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