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Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
ID | int | signed | PRI | NO | |||
DefaultValue | int | signed | NO | ||||
MapIDs | varchar(128) | YES | NULL | ||||
AreaIDs | varchar(255) | YES | NULL | ||||
ScriptName | varchar(64) | NO | '' | ||||
Comment | text | YES | NULL |
Unique identifier of the world state
Default value of the world state
MapIDs where the worldstate should be active (comma separated: mapId1,mapId2
Using NULL as MapID means its active realmwide (= in every map).
Using -1 as MapID marks it as allowed on ALL maps but should be bound to a map.
References to: Map.db2
AreaIDs where the worldstate should be active (comma separated: areaId1,areaId2
Using NULL means its active in every area of the provided MapIDs
References to: AreaTable.db2
ScriptName for a WorldStateScript
Comment describing the world state
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