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This table contains the description of creatures movements, where the creature can move and attack.
Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
CreatureId | int | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | ||
Ground | tinyint | unsigned | YES | NULL | |||
Swim | tinyint | unsigned | YES | NULL | |||
Flight | tinyint | unsigned | YES | NULL | |||
Rooted | tinyint | unsigned | YES | NULL | |||
Chase | tinyint | unsigned | YES | NULL | |||
Random | tinyint | unsigned | YES | NULL | |||
InteractionPauseTimer | int | unsigned | YES | NULL | Time (in milliseconds) during which creature will not move after interaction with player |
references creature_template.entry
Time (in milliseconds) during which the creature will not move after interaction with player.
- Rooted creature that doesn't fall once dead must useGround=1
if above water)
- Rooted creature that falls once dead must useGround=0
Note: You can override this values for a specific spawn in the table: creature_movement_override
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