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Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
SpawnTrackingId | int | unsigned | PRI | NO | |||
SpawnType | tinyint | unsigned | PRI | NO | |||
SpawnId | bigint | unsigned | PRI | NO | |||
QuestObjectiveId | int | unsigned | NO |
SpawnTracking ID for the spawn. It must match a SpawnTracking already existing in the spawn_tracking_template table.
Spawn Type | Description |
0 | For creatures |
1 | For gameobjects |
Spawn ID/GUID of the creature/game object that should be included in the group. The GUID must exist in the creature or gameobject tables respectively.
Spawn must use the same Map, Phase, PhaseGroup and PhaseUseFlags as the SpawnTracking template.
An existing quest_objectives.Id.
Some SpawnTrackings are reused for several quest objectives so we need to define for which one the spawn's state changes will be checked.
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