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Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
racemask | bigint | unsigned | PRI | NO | |||
classmask | int | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | ||
Spell | int | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | ||
Note | varchar(255) | YES | NULL |
Race mask of ChrRace IDs. 0
is all races.
Value | Flag | Name |
1 | 0x0001 | Human |
2 | 0x0002 | Orc |
4 | 0x0004 | Dwarf |
8 | 0x0008 | Night Elf |
16 | 0x0010 | Undead |
32 | 0x0020 | Tauren |
64 | 0x0040 | Gnome |
128 | 0x0080 | Troll |
512 | 0x0200 | Blood Elf |
1024 | 0x0400 | Draenei |
Class mask of ChrClass IDs. 0
is all classes.
Value | Flag | Name |
1 | 0x0001 | Warrior |
2 | 0x0002 | Paladin |
4 | 0x0004 | Hunter |
8 | 0x0008 | Rogue |
16 | 0x0010 | Priest |
32 | 0x0020 | Death Knight |
64 | 0x0040 | Shaman |
128 | 0x0080 | Mage |
256 | 0x0100 | Warlock |
1024 | 0x0400 | Druid |
A Spell ID to start with.
This field is for any comment you want to make. It is arbitrary text.
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