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This is the localization table of 'achievement_reward'
Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
ID | int | unsigned | PRI | NO | 0 | ||
Locale | varchar(4) | PRI | NO | ||||
Subject | mediumtext | YES | NULL | ||||
Body | mediumtext | YES | NULL |
ID from Achievement.db2
Value | Locale |
deDE | German |
esES | Spanish |
esMX | Spanish (Latin American) |
frFR | French |
itIT | Italian |
koKR | Korean |
ptBR | Portuguese |
ruRU | Russian |
zhCN | Chinese (China) |
zhTW | Chinese (Taiwan/Traditional) |
This is the subject of the mail that you receive.
This is the text of the body of that mail that you receive.
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