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This table contains the base values for creatures' health, mana and armor.
Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
level | tinyint | unsigned | PRI | NO | |||
class | tinyint | unsigned | PRI | NO | |||
basehp0 | smallint | unsigned | NO | 1 | |||
basehp1 | smallint | unsigned | NO | 1 | |||
basehp2 | smallint | unsigned | NO | 1 | |||
basemana | smallint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
basearmor | smallint | unsigned | NO | 1 | |||
attackpower | smallint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
rangedattackpower | smallint | unsigned | NO | 0 | |||
damage_base | float | NO | 0 | ||||
damage_exp1 | float | NO | 0 | ||||
damage_exp2 | float | NO | 0 | ||||
comment | mediumtext | YES | NULL |
Level of the creature.
Class of the creature (referenced to creature_template.unit_class)
Base health for the creature if creature_template.exp value is set to 0 (this value is multiplied by creature_template.HealthModifier to determine the creature's final health).
Base health for the creature if creature_template.exp value is set to 1 (this value is multiplied by creature_template.HealthModifier to determine the creature's final health).
Base health for the creature if creature_template.exp value is set to 2 (this value is multiplied by creature_template.HealthModifier to determine the creature's final health).
Base mana for the creature (this value is multiplied by creature_template.ManaModifier to determine the creature's final mana.
Base armor for the creature (this value is multiplied by creature_template.ArmorModifier to determine the creature's final armor.
adds to melee base damage by: (attackpower / 14) * (BaseAttackTime / 1000)
adds to ranged base damage by: (rangedattackpower / 14) * (RangeAttackTime / 1000)
Base damage for the creature if creature_template.exp value is set to 0 (this value is multiplied by creature_template.DamageModifier to determine the creature's final base damage).
Base damage for the creature if creature_template.exp value is set to 1 (this value is multiplied by creature_template.DamageModifier to determine the creature's final base damage).
Base damage for the creature if creature_template.exp value is set to 2 (this value is multiplied by creature_template.DamageModifier to determine the creature's final base damage).
This field is for any comment you want to make about the requirements. It is arbitrary text.
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